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Blunsdon Capital Management Pty Ltd t/a Your Money Advisor (ABN 88 122 053 347) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR 306373) of Grange Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 488609).The information contained in this website does not constitute personal financial product advice. The information provided is of a general nature only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific professional advice. We recommend that you obtain your own independent professional advice before making any decision in relation to your particular requirements or circumstances. The decision to invest or trade and the method selected is a personal decision and involves an inherent level of risk, and you must undertake your own investigations and obtain your own advice regarding the suitability of this product for your circumstances. Please be aware that all trading activity is subject to both profit & loss and may not be suitable for you. Past performance of any product discussed is not indicative of future performance. (We urge that caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. All financial products are subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect their future performance). We may at times refer to third parties. Details of these third parties have been provided solely for you to obtain further information about other relevant products and entities in the market. Blunsdon Capital Management has no control over the information third parties have, or the products or services offered, and therefore make no representations regarding the accuracy or suitability of such information, products or services. You are advised to make your own enquiries in relation to third parties. Our inclusion of any third party content is not an endorsement of that content or the third party. Please view our Financial Services Guide on our website.
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